A journey around the ideation and perceptive processes of the work of art.
Opens on may 22nd at 6.30pm at the exhibition space “Sala da Feltre” in Rome, solo exhibition of Enzo Casale titled “One Woman Show”. A journey around the ideation and perceptive processes of the work of art, curated by Alberto Dambruoso.
The exhibition stems from a pictorial project developed for over three years (December 2016 – February 2019) which considers the painting as the protagonist, taken in its various methodological and conceptual declinations (from figuration to abstraction till different repetition). The project consists of four different moments, all investigated in distinct ways the problems of visual perception and the process that lead to the formation of the work of art.
From micro to macro: starting from a feminine portrait painted on a reduced-dimensions paper, like a miniature, Enzo Casale has multiplied the same image on more large scales reaching a macroscopic enlargement of the face. In the viewer’s eyes, The figure, remaining the same, is perceived in different ways as many as the different formats that make up the project. A journey into the epidermis of the painting, which opens up various questions, as well as interpretations.
From figuration to abstraction: Always starting from the same figure, the protagonist of the first project - from which the exhibition had its title “One Woman Show” - Enzo Casale has investigated in a historical way the process that leads to the abstraction of the figure. So from a reduced figurative image, he started the same method that had given life to the previous moment (From micro to Macro). Enlarging the image, and progressively removing the identifying elements of the face, until the figure itself disappears.
The different repetition: The same protagonist feminine portrait in the third phase of the exhibition. Now, the background being changed in every painting of the series, making each piece a unique one.
Drawings: The fourth and final moment of the exhibition shows a series of medium-sized designs attached together aiming to investigate the functioning of the eye’s sight. They are mostly close-ups of the eye’s pupils in which, Enzo Casale, had inserted a cosmic of signs carrying knowledge. For the artist, the act of seeing coincides with the acts of knowing and communicating emotions.
Rome, May 2019
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